The Return of The Great Procrastinator

The Return of The Great Procrastinator

Hi!!!!!!! Have you missed me?

Quarantine Selfie by Cute As Sin Artist

Lets be honest you haven't. The world has been on fire for a while now and the last thing you have all worried about is my blog. Not to say I don't know people who will be pleased with the return of the great procrastinator. What have I been so busy with? I hear you all shout, other than university just surviving as a low immune systemed person in a plague. It's been rough, mainly hearing how it's ok and everyone should get on with it because it's just people like me who will die, we don't matter you see. 

I won't dwell on the plague problem though you are all living it too, so lets move on to the good stuff. 

I did manage to get my degree and I'm just about to start my masters because I'm a masochist. 
I finally got a new (to me) camera, after a couple of years with a dodgy one and disheartened with photography. I've taken some photographs I am really proud of in the last 10 months. I'll maybe make some back dated blog posts about those. 
My new baby ironically by my phone.

I started new therapy and mentally all things considered I'm doing great.
Cute As Sin, clearly having a great mental health day.

The plague separated me from humanity on the whole but some of my friendships seriously thrived and I've reconnected with some special people. 

Naia Nixie and Cute As Sin by Ds Photography

And I got to my first post pandemic gig, maybe my third gig in nearly two years. It was pretty special, full of amazing people on and off stage. Definitely something that is going to be written about later, hopefully this week but as we know I'm the great procrastinator so it'll be here at some point. In the meantime have this picture of a toilet dude and their penis pistol pointing friend, it nicely sums up the day. 

Hot pink Sewage by Cute As Sin Photography

That's basically it from me, just stopping in to say hello and lets hope I can kick myself into gear enough to write here a little more often, shouldn't be hard as it's been a couple of years. Hope all you lovelies have been keeping as well as possible and at least have some good to help balance these couple of years. 

Massive loves Cute As Sin xXx


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