That one place where you feel safe and welcome
That one place where you feel accepted
A place where you find family
A place to make friends
The place where you can discover who you are
The place where you can learn and grow
A place you will always return to
A place to be you
Manchester has proven today in the face of atrocity to truly be the place I am proud to call home. My heart goes out to everyone who was there and the families who are suffering. The couple of hours I spent trying to contact friends were hard enough so I can only imagine what any of them are feeling.
But even in the middle of such chaos all I can see are people pulling together and helping each other. Manchester is indeed full of bees and our hive will stand strong. The beautiful people of Manchester have given me back my faith in humanity.
Thank you to the emergency services, the staff at the arena, the taxi drivers taking people home, the people giving food and drinks, people offering out their homes, people who held each other, people who gave blood, people helping reunite families, those raising money (link at the bottom), everyone attending vigils (I can't because my little boy asked me very nicely not to go into Manchester), the people filling the streets in the centre with music and everyone who is fighting back with love.
You are my people and I am proud to be from Manchester.
In Honour Of The 22
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